A Guide To Point Of Sale Display Here's Everything To Know

The retail environment is overrun with imagery you name it including announcements, commercials, signage, directories, screens, posters, and no matter where you turn, dozens of businesses are vying for your attention. How can a product or exhibit stand out from the competition in such a congested visual space and pop? The solution is obvious there: Point of sale display!

Point of sale display, sometimes referred to as Point of Purchase displays or marketing, are altering how brands interact with customers in the retail environment. Point-of-purchase marketing campaigns can produce significant returns on a small investment when done correctly. What are some ways that a business can update its in-store display tactics?

An Explanation of Point of Sale Displays:

Any type of display that features a product and is distinct from regular shelving is referred to as a point-of-purchase display. Point of sale display typically aims to stand out among competing displays by using striking visuals or 3D elements to bring additional attention to a brand or product.

However, given that 82% of consumers are more likely to purchase after seeing, handling, or using a product, marketers would be prudent to incorporate in-store initiatives into their plans.

Point of sale displays is now available. Point of sale display is a type of retail marketing that aids businesses and merchants in promoting goods and influencing consumer choices. They can be anything in between, ranging from enormous, freestanding displays on an aisle end cap to plastic countertop merchandisers close to the cashier. They are frequently customized.

We've collected a list of the most common point of sale displays and described each one's benefits because different types of retail displays serve different purposes.

#1. End Cap Decorations: End cap displays are placed in front of a busy pathway at the end of an aisle in a store. Given that products benefit from more visibility and higher sales in this location, it makes sense that this area is premium real estate.

  • When choosing an end cap solution, be aware of the possibilities provided by the store. These displays can be either freestanding or fixed to gondolas. Freestanding displays may typically be accommodated in furniture or specialist electronics stores, although end-cap displays using existing fixtures are more common in grocery stores.
  • Keep in mind the height of your product while attaching it to a gondola so that your goods will fit in the allocated shelves, he said. Additionally, if you decide on a solo display, keep in mind that displays in stores are required to be a set height to reduce loss.
  • End caps are a common choice for product displays in retail because of their prime locations. When creating this kind of exhibit, remember to take advantage of the foot traffic and account for enhanced brand recognition and sales. 

#2. Stand Alone Displays: An independent display that is not attached to store racks is called a freestanding display. These exhibits frequently serve as merchandisers and sell goods directly from the unit. Freestanding displays, on the other hand, can also be used to demonstrate goods or instruct customers.

To showcase their products in a fully controlled, branded structure that is typically placed in prime store locations, brands invest in freestanding displays because of their impact.

When designing this kind of point of purchase display, aesthetic maintenance is a crucial factor to take into account.

#3. Animated Displays: Point of sale display with an interactive component is exactly what it sounds like interactive displays. Simple motion sensors, buttons, video monitors, music, and other digital effects might all be included in this.

Digital billboards are a fantastic illustration of this. In a Nielson survey, 68 per cent of consumers said digital signage influenced their in-store purchasing decisions, while 44 per cent said it led them to choose the promoted item over the item they were originally planning to buy.


The list of point-of-purchase displays may go on forever; other categories in visual merchandising efforts include digital signage, ceiling halos, gravity-fed dispensers, and more. Consult with an expert retail point of sale display manufacturer who can point you in the direction of the best choice when deciding what best suits your needs.

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