5 Needs Fulfilled Through The Usage Of Carbon Filters

Purified water is one of the basic needs required for every household. The easiest method to obtain filtered, clean and healthy water for every household is via various water filtration systems that are available in the market. All the different types of filtration systems that are available in the market uses different technology to obtain purified water and clean water. Activated carbon filters are one of the most commonly used types.

Carbon Filters

How a carbon filter works?

Carbon filters are very simplistic in their approach to purifying water. Inactivated carbon filters, charcoal or carbon is in the form of compressed and rolled up beads. The carbon layer is made porous by a process of two rounds of superheating along with treatment with gases like argon, nitrogen, and oxygen. The key principle infiltration here is adsorption, a method of chemical bonding of the impurities to the carbon particles. This process helps in swift and efficient removal of impurities from the water, rendering it clean and drinkable.
Now that we know how a carbon filter works, it's time to go through the advantages they provide by their use.
  • Prevention of loss of minerals: A number of other filtration processes result in loss of the inherent minerals present in the water. This is a major disadvantage as drinking water is a major source of minerals in our diet. Carbon filters are an exception to this, as they adsorb and remove only the organic impurities from water, making sure that the essential inorganic minerals are still a part of your drinking water.
  • Addition of minerals: As mentioned in the previous point that carbon filters do not remove the essential minerals from the water. Moreover, it adds major minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, and copper into the drinking water during the filtration process. This improves the quality of water you're drinking and provides your body with many essential minerals.
  • Giving your drinking water a better flavor: Tap water which is supplied following filtration and disinfection often has a metallic or chlorine taste. This is due to the different purification and disinfection processes it is subjected to in order to kill the harmful organic matter present. These organic matters if present also gives a bad odor to the water. Carbon filters have the ability to remove these organic matters, while not relying on chemicals to do so. Therefore water purifier using a carbon filter is odor-free as well as better tasting due to the absence of any chemical process being used on it.
  • Easy maintenance: Maintaining a charcoal filter is also a very easy task. The main maintenance aspect is the replacement of the charcoal filters after they get used up. Usually, it should be changed every 6 months in order to ensure a continued supply of purified water. It can be changed even earlier or later depending on whether a consumer feels a significant change in taste or odor of the water.
  • Low costs: While some of the newer and complicated water purification systems are highly expensive to buy as well as maintain, charcoal filters buck this trend by providing simple filtration solutions at minimal costs. This is due to the fact that the charcoals filter takes much less time as well as cost per unit to produce, ensuring that the consumer gets them at a very reasonable price.
Carbon filters are an easy, everyday solution for obtaining safe drinking water. They are inexpensive to buy, easy to maintain, and make sure that the water your drink still contains all the necessary minerals in it.

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